Cranberry Juice For UTI in Male and How Does It Help?

Urinary tract infection or UTI is the growth and accumulation of bacteria in the urinary tract of a male or a female.

It affects any or all urinary system components, including the urethra, ureters and even the kidney. Most infections affect the bladder and urethra in the lower urinary system.

 The bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), a bacteria naturally present in the body, causes the majority of UTIs.

Through the urethra, the bacteria enter the urinary tract. Infections of the urinary tract are more prevalent in women. Infections of the bladder or urethra are the most common, although more serious infections affect the kidney. (1)

1. Causes And Symptoms

In men, the urethra is the tube that connects the bladder to the penis and empties urine.

Moreover, the infection is usually caused by bacteria already existing in the guy's urinary tract.

A man catching a UTI from having intercourse with a woman is improbable.

A sexually transmitted disease is the most common cause of a UTI in the urethra. Two STDs that can induce a UTI are chlamydia and gonorrhea. In younger males, STDs are also the most common cause of UTIs.

Diabetes and other immune-system-related illnesses can increase your chances of getting a UTI.

You can even find that diabetes and UTI have overlapping symptoms. But how do we differentiate?

Find more about the difference between UTI and Diabetes Symptoms

It can also be caused by prostate issues. Prostate enlargement (BPH) is common in older men and can restrict urine flow.

This can make it more likely for germs to build up and develop a UTI. Many of the symptoms of prostatitis, a prostate infection, are similar to those of UTIs.


Worsening UTI symptoms



The presence of a UTI is not always symptomatic.  Asymptomatic cases of UTIs are on a rise but some prevalent symptoms include:

  • The urge to urinate is strong and persistent.
  • Urinating with a burning sensation.
  • Urinating frequently and in tiny amounts.
  • Urine that is hazy in appearance rather than clear or yellow.
  • Urine with a strong odor, blood in the urine is indicated by pee that is crimson, bright pink, or cola-colored.
  • Pelvic discomfort: A sharp pain especially in the region of the pelvis and around the pubic bone, is a commonly observed symptom in women.

Like discussed earlier, UTI can be asymptomatic as well. 


2. Cranberry Juice And Uti- What Is The Connection?

 The most popular natural therapies for UTIs are cranberry juice and cranberry juice supplements. Cranberry juice relieves UTI symptoms and helps prevent any further infections.

Now the question arises, “can cranberry juice flush out a UTI?

Here, it is important to know that Cranberries contain phenolic acids and flavonoids, which may aid in the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections by helping flush out any bacteria which might have accumulated. 

These substances may be beneficial as they lower inflammation and modify gut flora.

They do so by hindering the bacteria's ability to adhere to the lining of the urinary tract and reducing the number of germs in the bladder and gastrointestinal tracts that can cause UTIs. 

It also helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder lining and causing a bacterial UTI. This could help avoid UTIs in the future.


Cranberry juice for UTI

Image credits: Unsplash


According to studies held by scientists in circa 2010, cranberry juice can help prevent bacteria from turning into an infection in the urinary tract within eight hours after consumption. (2)

Previous research has revealed that the beneficial chemicals in cranberry juice are not eliminated by the digestive system after consumption, but rather function to combat germs such as E. coli.

This new study, presented at the American Chemical Society's national meeting in Boston, confirms this and adds to the proof of cranberries' medical benefit.

It was recently found that cranberry benefits for UTIs include the beneficial components of cranberry entering the urinary tract within eight hours and inhibiting bacterial adhesion.


3. Is Cranberry Juice Good For UTI In Men?


A photo of man urinating in bathroom

Image Credit: Ural


Without a doubt, cranberry juice can help relieve the symptoms of UTIs in men. But, contrary to popular belief, it cannot do anything once the UTI has started.

It can only help relieve pain and prevent any further infection.

Best results can be seen if cranberry juice is taken as a natural remedy alongside the antibiotics that are prescribed by the doctor for the same purpose.

Having only cranberry juice as a remedy for the infections may not be a wise choice and may lead to a worse infection as it won't be treated properly.

Although it hasn't been scientifically shown to aid with UTIs, cranberry juice contains substances that make it harder for bacteria to stay in the urinary tract, allowing them to be flushed out. 


4. Does It Help Women?

A woman about to sip cranberry juice

Image Credit: Elle


In a lifetime, 50% of women will have a UTI, compared to only 12% of men. Furthermore, up to 30% of young women suffer from recurrent UTIs, which can have a substantial impact on their quality of life. (3)        

Women's urethras are shorter, bacteria must travel a shorter distance to reach their bladder.

UTIs are more common in women than in males. Many people utilize natural remedies for UTIprevention and treatment in addition to pharmaceuticals like antibiotics.

The most popular natural therapies for UTIs are cranberry juice and cranberry juice supplements.

Studies show that cranberry juice and pills can help prevent UTIs, especially in women who are at risk for these illnesses. There are, of course, other people who do not share the same opinion. (3)   


5. Other Remedies 


fruits in multiple tiffin boxes arranged properly

Image Source: Healthline


To make sure that you do your best to cure yourself of UTIs and prevent any future infections, there are a few remedies that can help you do your best to eliminate UTIs in males or females, naturally:

  • Monitor the intake of certain foods and beverages you consume. Soda, coffee, alcohol, artificially sweetened beverages, and animal proteins are all known to increase the incidence of UTIs and exacerbate symptoms.

    However, additional research is required in this area.

    There is a long list of foods to avoid for preventing UTI. If you’re curating a diet plan for curing your UTI, read about foods to avoid for UTI 
  • Urinate immediately. In women, delaying voiding, or waiting to urinate, is linked to an increased risk of recurring UTIs.
    Bacteria might build up inside the urinary system if you don't urinate regularly enough.
  • Wipe yourself from front to back, contrary to the popular action of back to the front. After using the lavatory, ladies should wipe front to back rather than back to front to lower the chance of UTI.

    This helps discard any bacteria to discard from the anal region rather than having them travel upwards towards the urinary tract.

  • Increase your physical activity and keep a healthy weight. A higher prevalence of recurrent UTIs is associated with being overweight and inactive.

    Maintaining healthy body weight and obtaining enough physical activity (if you're able) can help to lower your chance of developing diabetes.
  • Other vitamins and treatments could be beneficial. D-mannose, certain probiotic strains, cranberry products containing propolis, as well as vaccinations, and immunomodulating drugs, may be a choice for some people.
  • Above all, keep yourself hydrated. According to certain research, consuming at least 6–8 cups (1.5–2 liters) of water each day can help prevent UTI recurrence in some persons.

    Not drinking enough water not only can cause UTI but also multiple kidney and liver infections.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Can not drinking enough water cause UTI?

UTIs are serious infections and can get life-threatening if not treated properly or left unnoticed.

To prevent grievous life threats, look out for any symptoms related to UTIs and visit your doctor immediately to seek proper medical guidance and follow the prescription as stated.


6. Preventive Measures


Stay Hydrated

Image Credit: Quick Care Med

Men can lower their chances of developing a UTI by following the measures below:

  • Urinating as and when needed and not holding it in.
  • Washing the area under the foreskin after showering if not circumcised clean the genitals before and after sex.
  • Urinating after sex to flush out any pathogens that may have been transmitted during the sexual act to remove bacteria.
  • Cleaning from front to back when using the toilet.
  • Wearing condoms during sex if not circumcised.


7. How Much Cranberry To Drink For UTI?


Cranberries and cranberry juice

Image Credit: The List

Well, there is no certain way to say “How much cranberry juice to prevent UTI?”.

What we know is that, according to the study, a dose of 8–10 ounces (240–300 mL) of cranberry juice per day may be most effective in preventing a recurrence of a UTI.

Natural cranberry juice for UTIs is preferred and no sweetening agent is added for better results.

Cranberry supplement dosing varies depending on the ingredients.

Research has shown that doses of cranberry extract ranging from 200–to 500 mg per day may reduce UTI recurrence in some people. (5)

One should not have more than two to three cups of cranberry juice in a day as it increases the sugar intake.



8. How Long Does Cranberry Juice Take To Cure UTI?

According to studies, the beneficial components in cranberry juice can enter the urinary tract within eight hours and inhibit bacterial adhesion. (6)


9. Conclusion 


Cranberry juice in a bottle

Image Credit: Healthline

From the above article, we can easily get an answer to “does cranberry juice help with UTI symptoms

That cranberry has a positive effect on UTIs for males as well as females.

Consuming the right amount of cranberry juice in the proper amount can help relieve that pain of it.  

On the other hand, depending solely on it for the treatment of the disease is not considered wise.

Always consult a doctor in case of any symptoms and get proper antibiotics to prevent any further hazards.

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