
Echinacea Tea And Pregnancy: A Guide To Benefits, Brewing, Safety, And More!

If you have ever brewed a hot cup of echinacea tea, you know how soothing and delicious it is.

Have you ever wondered where this flavorful tea comes from?
Well, just picture a patch of purple coneflowers- that’s your source of echinacea tea.

Coneflowers are native to North America and almost the whole of this plant (roots, flowers, stems, and leaves) can be used to make tea. 



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As this American Family Physician Journal states, the medicinal use of this herb began with the Native Americans. It was used as a remedy for cold, flu, and dizziness until modern antibiotics were invented. (1)

If you are expecting, it is natural to wonder if echinacea tea is ok during pregnancy and if you can gain the same benefits for your baby as on the regular days?

By the time you are done reading this article, you will have insights into some research-backed benefits of echinacea tea during pregnancy, its dosage, and side effects, with a bonus brewing recipe!


1. Pregnancy and Medicines: What You Need To Know?​​

As your body prepares to give life, it changes drastically and everything seems topsy-turvy.

There are normal physical changes that happen in response to all the hormonal fluctuations.

Your body appears altered, your posture changes, you crave more food, and may feel fatigued and nauseated.  

Your emotions and feelings also change during this time. Your sensitivity may be heightened and you probably swing between emotions.


Pregnant woman standing near plants

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According to the BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Research Article, almost 99 percent of pregnant women have routinely advised prescription medications. (2)

While medicines offer instant relief, as the Deutsches Arzteblatt International Journal states, pregnancy medications may lead to direct toxicity to the fetus along with health problems for the mother. (3)


2. Teas And You - Are They Safe During Pregnancy?

To counter the possible side effects of prescription medicines, as published in the Frontiers in Pharmacology Journal, the use of natural and side effect-free ingredients has increased significantly in the last two decades.



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This especially includes herbal blends and teas. Some of the most commonly used herbs are: (4) 

According to the HHS Author Manuscripts Journal, there is increasing evidence supporting the wonderful health benefits of tea, especially during pregnancy. (5)

Some of these benefits include:


Tea Compound



· Reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems


· Lower stress


· Regulation of blood pressure




· Protection against cancer


· Reduced risk of heart diseases


· Better cognitive functioning


· Helps in weight loss




· Reduced free radicals and cell protection


· Improved immunity


· Lower risk of type-2 diabetes


3. Is Echinacea Tea Safe For Pregnancy- What’s The Expert’s Take?



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There isn’t enough data to say that echinacea tea is 100 percent safe during pregnancy. Still, there are quite a few studies done that deem echinacea tea safe for pregnancy, especially in moderate doses.

The Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine (New York) lists these important echinacea tea pregnancy benefits: (6)

  1. Polyphenols and caffeic acid in echinacea tea fight off yeast infections and reduce the risk of UTIs.
  2. Be it a toothache, joint pain, or even stomach pain, this tea has excellent pain-reducing properties.
  3. Echinacea tea has anti-inflammatory and bronchodilatory properties. This helps prevent and soothe upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, and common colds.


4. Echinacea tea and pregnancy: How Much Is Too Much?

Herbs are not as strictly regulated by the FDA as prescription medications are.

That’s why there isn’t a wealth of data available about the recommended dosage of echinacea tea during pregnancy.



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To ensure echinacea tea safety in pregnancy, you need to follow the dosage recommendation mentioned on the label of the echinacea product to ensure its efficacy and potency.

As verified by The Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, oral consumption of echinacea in recommended doses is safe for use during pregnancy and lactation. (7)


5. How To Brew A Fresh Cup Of Echinacea Goodness?

Echinacea tea’s flavor is often defined as fruity and tongue-tingling. Just follow these simple steps to enjoy your homemade echinacea tea:


  1. Echinacea leaves, flowers, and roots
  2. 10 ounces of water
  3. Lemon zest and honey (optional)




Step 1: Add water to a pan and bring it to a boil.

Step 2: Once the water starts boiling, bring down the heat and add in the echinacea plant.

Step 3: Let it simmer for at least 10 minutes.

Step 4: Strain the leaves, roots, and flowers and pour the tea into a cup.

Step 5: Add lemon zest and honey and enjoy your fresh brew.


    A tea kettle and a white coloured cup of tea on a wooden stool

    Image credits: Unsplash


    6. Which Are Some Other Pregnancy-Safe Herbal Teas to Indulge In?



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    Besides echinacea tea, other herbal teas can also be a part of your journey into motherhood and ease your experience. 

    Here are some of your best allies when it comes to a healthier and calmer pregnancy according to the Medeniyet Medical Journal 8:

    • Peppermint tea for its nausea-reducing effect and treatment of UTIs and respiratory infections.

    • Red raspberry leaf tea for strengthening your uterine health and reducing contractions. If you are looking for a caffeine and a gluten-free option, this Raspberry leaf tea checks all the boxes.
      If you are wondering how to make raspberry leaf tea, you can check out amazing raspberry tea recipes. 
    • Chamomile tea for relief from gastrointestinal irritation, joint pain, and insomnia.

    • Raspberry leaf benefits hormones just like nettle tea. 
      They also aid in developing better moods, and a cramp-free pregnancy. Opt only for the best tea with 100 percent natural and organic ingredients for a healthier pregnancy. 

      Another benefit of red raspberry leaf tea is that it helps in delaying ovulation


    7. How Safe Is Echinacea Tea?

    Typically echinacea tea is considered to be safe. On rare occasions, some people have reported side effects such as

    • Worsening asthma symptoms.
    • Minor gastrointestinal problems.

    To make it work better for you, take echinacea tea with food or a glass of water.



    Photo of an empty tea cup made of glass

    Image credits: Unsplash


    8. The Bottom Line

    Echinacea tea is a gentle yet powerful addition to your pregnancy diet.

    Combined with a good lifestyle, meditation & yoga, and optimum nutrition, this tea can have marked benefits for pregnant women.

    Just play safe, know your symptoms, and don’t use echinacea tea during pregnancy without consulting your gynecologist. 

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