Trying to Conceive (TTC) with PCOS - Raspberry Leaf Tea can help - Herbal Hermit
Fertility and Pregnancy Blog

Trying to Conceive (TTC) with PCOS - Raspberry Leaf Tea can help

If this is your first pregnancy then you would be surprised to know that there are many acronyms. One such word is TTC which means trying to conceive. If you are also trying to conceive and searching for ways, then red raspberry leaf tea could potentially help. This read raspberry leaf herbal tea is a must have natural supplement that benefits your reproductive system including women suffering from PCOS and are trying to conceive.


1. Trying to conceive with PCOS

According to CDC PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 6% to 12% (as many as 5 million) of US women of reproductive age. But it’s a lot more than that. CDC also states that women suffering from PCOS would also be more prone to Type 2 diabetes.

Can you imagine that? Five Million fellow Americans struggling with the same problem.
If you are one among the five million, you may benefit from this article and our fertility tea blend

Fret not. You may still be able to get pregnant with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A large part of the solution rests life style changes including the food we eat, healthy diet patterns combined with fertility supplements. We have attempted to consolidate weight related issues from PCOS, reasons driving weight gain such as insulin production, diet and exercise tips to follow to help with healthy ovulation cycles. Herbs and Herbal teas have been used since ancient times to solve problems. So we certainly aren't alone in the journey.    


2. PCOS and Overweight while trying to conceive (TTC)

Though not all women, many women who suffer from PCOS also suffer from over weight or obesity. If you are wondering why, here is the answer. One research study states that PCOS adversely affects your body's ability to produce insulin, there by not only making you prone to Type 2 diabetes but as a consequence weight gain. It is said that women with PCOS and over weight are more likely to suffer irregular period resulting in irregular ovulation cycles. 

Studies conducted in the past that suggest that losing weight might have a direct correlation to help with PCOS and your ovulation cycle, there by increasing your changes of pregnancy significantly. While it may seem like an impossible task, a simple 10% weight loss from life style and diet changes could do the trick to potentially regularize your ovulation cycle. Since there is no guarantee to the process nor direct evidence at a large scale to substantiate the claim, it does help to compliment your weight loss journey with natural fertility and pregnancy supporting herbs like raspberry leaf tea, vitex chastetree berry (both of which are included in our fertility tea blend). 

Listed below for you are some healthy diet habits to follow. Combine these with healthy exercise routines and you would already on your weight loss journey.  


3. Diet tips while using Raspberry Leaf Tea TTC

Now if you are TTC, needless to say, the need for healthy food habits increases significantly. Eating healthy should not be a rare occurrence. It is the basis of our existence on this planet. Irrespective of polycystic ovaries or infertility, it is important one makes changes to their daily diets to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For instance, a lot of working women skip breakfast or nibble on little breakfast. Breakfast forms a very important part of your meal every day. 

  • Tip 1 - Do not skip breakfast. If you can handle it, honestly eat a healthy and heavy breakfast. Include healthy proteins and greens in your breakfast as much as you can. Remember, this meal has to sustain you through to lunch.

  • Tip 2 - Everyone today is carb conscious. No one wants unnecessary carbohydrates added to our body. But carbs form a integral part of your diet structure. So when you eat carbs (no - do not skip them), make an effort to eat complex carbohydrates including oats, brown rice, kidney beans, green peas, quiona, whole wheat based foods etc.   


  • Tip 3 - Avoid simple carbs if you can help it. Seems a little obvious, considering we recommend complex carbs. But you would surprised how many people run their days with burgers, white bread, carbonated sodas, cookies and fries. So the next time you hear our dear friend at McDonalds as "Would you like some fries with it?", you could be saying No. Welcome to healthy living.

  •   Tip 4 - Avoid processed sugar and sweet. If you have a sweet tooth and cravings for sweets post meals, remember this is a large part of our problem. White sugar or even worse sugar substitutes form a large part of daily foods we eat - be it cookies, sodas, flavor additives to water, processed bottle juices and much more. Yeah. We get it. What is life without a little bit of sweetness to it? But sweets are high carb food and adds on to your weight. If you must indulge in some sweets, ensure you compliment your sugar intake with 100% natural and healthy fats like avocados and nuts. Where possible use Virgin olive oil for your cooking needs and avoid processed vegetable oil.

  • Tip 5 - You get back home exhausted and now your evening is "me" time. Come dinner, we binge to make up for every restriction we had during the day. So our strict suggestion for you is to avoid heavy dinners. If you have a healthy lifestyle, then incorporate a healthy early dinner in limited portions and stay away from any sugar based foods during the night.

  • Tip 6 - Exercise regularly. Ok. We understand this isn't really a diet tip. But you need to know that regular exercise regiment goes hand in hand with healthy eating habits. A study published by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, supports the theory that a combination of regular walking or home/gym exercise combined healthy eating habits could improve mensuration cycle chances by 50%. Wohoo!                    

More often that not, healthy eating, weight and exercise while may help with weight loss and potentially better ovulation cycles, there isnt enough evidence to back the claim. So we highly recommend adding to your daily regiments herbal supplements like our Fertility Tea Blend with Raspberry 

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Image Taken Using

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4. What Is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry is a delicious and tender fruit available in many parts of Europe and a few parts of Asia. Raspberry leaf tea is made of leaves from the Raspberry plant. It has many benefits, especially in women's health, including reproductive health and menstrual problems. For centuries it has always been suggested as a tonic for women for pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and post-pregnancy issues.

It is popularly known for fertility, which means consuming it increases the chances of pregnancy, clearing the reproductive health issues, and increasing the chances of getting pregnant especially if you are suffering from PCOS or PCOD. It is one of the favorites in traditional Chinese medicine to boost pregnancy chances and recur women's health.

The Raspberry leaf herbal tea is a perfect antioxidant; it also contains many nutrients such as vitamin A, folic acid, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, etc. The human body readily absorbs the vitamins and minerals which are present in this herbal tea. When made into a tea infusion, the nutrients are made readily available to the human body.

It promotes female hormonal balance and reproductive health. People are used to consuming more caffeine in their daily lives. Too much caffeine increases the chances of heart diseases and leads to a poor reproductive system. Having red raspberry leaf tea helps boost your immune system and cure other health issues such as nausea, vomiting, etc.

Drinking raspberry leaf tea daily may also decrease the intake of caffeine. Raspberry leaf tea is available in tea bags or as loose leaf tea. Raspberry leaf tea is pleasant tasting with a mildly sweet flavor. Moreover, it is gentle on the stomach. It is readily available online and herbal medicine stores.

 benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Image Taken Using

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5. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits for Women

  • Helps improve reproductive health
  • Improve the chances of implantation
  • Relieves menstrual discomfort and pain
  • Balance hormones
  • Increase the chances of fertility
  • Decrease the chances of miscarriage by strengthening the uterine wall
  • Decrease the time of labor and ease childbirth

6. You may like our Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Loose (custom blend)

Don't take our word for it. Listen to what our customers have to say - 

Katie says - Perfect for Cramps. I love this tea! it came right in time for that time of the month, and aside from the occasional Vicodin I've taken for BAD cramps, this works better than anything I've used before. Will continue to drink and purchase this tea!

 Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Image taken using

Drinking this herbal tea helps boost the reproductive system by clearing hormonal imbalances and increasing the chances of getting pregnant. It also increases the chances of implantation and prevents miscarriage.

During pregnancy, the uterus needs plenty of vitamins and minerals, and red raspberry leaf tea has all of them. This herbal tea is also known as a uterine tonic and is rich in vitamins C, Vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, and B3. All these nutrients help to strengthen the uterus during the time of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

It balances hormones and helps the body produce required hormones for ovulation in the follicular phase. We recommend you drink about 2 to 3 cups a day initially and be stopped during ovulation.

It's essential to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know whether it is suitable for you or not to avoid side effects.


7. When and How much Raspberry Leaf Tea to drink during pregnancy?

Herbalists or midwives recommend red raspberry leaf herbal tea from the end of the second trimester or at the starting of the third trimester. Specifically speaking, it is suggested to start drinking from the 32nd week of pregnancy. The nutrition in the herbal tea helps both the mother and the child. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups a day to bring on labor. It isn’t suggested to drink this tea in the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage. It strengthens the uterus; the thicker the uterus, the lesser the chances of rupturing. It also improves labor outcomes and prevents excessive bleeding after childbirth.


  • Reduces the pain during the labor and after childbirth
  • Improves the effect of contractions
  • Reduces morning sickness
  • Improves the strength of the uterus
  • Labor may be shorter and less painful


8. Does Raspberry Leaf help induce labor?

A compound called Fragarine found in Raspberry leaf helps to tone and tighten the uterus walls and make the delivery easier. Many women have claimed that the second stage of labor gets shorter.


9. Raspberry Leaf Tea and Trying to Conceive - The perfect marriage

A study has found that drinking red raspberry leaf tea has reduced the need for forceps or vacuum at the time of childbirth. As it strengthens the uterine walls, the labor time has reduced, reducing the need for birthing intervention.


10. Raspberry Leaf Tea and Breastfeeding

Drinking red raspberry leaf tea can even help after childbirth to balance the hormones. The nutrients in this tea will help lactating mothers to produce more milk, control excessive vaginal bleeding, shrink the size of your cervix after the childbirth, and reduce labor pain. The red raspberry leaf herbal tea works like magic on many problems, even postpartum.

11. How much raspberry leaf tea to drink?

Raspberry leaf tea for fertility - Doses differ for every individual. If you are trying to conceive and wish to consume raspberry leaf tea, it is suggested that you drink this tea 2-3 times a day for at least 45 days for best effect.  

Raspberry Leaf tea for pregnancy and labor - It is suggested to start taking from the 32nd week of pregnancy if you are already pregnant. It is suggested by the herbalists, midwives, and nutritionists. A minimum of 1 cup per day can be taken initially and gradually increase the quantity to 2 to 3 times per day. The side effects are very mild; they can be ignored but make sure they are not severe. It is suggested to discontinue the red raspberry leaf tea if you observe symptoms like early contractions, loose stools, and frequent urination. Infrequent and premature contractions are known as Braxton Hicks, and so it isn’t suggested to drink this tea until two weeks from the due date.

It is advisable to take red raspberry leaf tea if you are overdue but keep observing if you get any side effects. Sometimes, this may cause very severe contractions and distress the baby. In such a case, stop drinking it immediately.

You can sip herbal tea made of raspberry leaf ice cubes. You can also keep a flask of this tea to the hospital and have it regularly.

 Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Image Taken Using

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12. Word of caution on Raspberry Leaf Tea

Try to avoid the tea if you are planning a Caesarean section, induced labor, or any hormonal treatment to speed up the labor. If you had a previous pregnancy, and the first labor went smoothly, then there is no need to take this herbal tea for the second baby.

Try to buy 100% red raspberry leaf tea. Check the ingredients while buying as it may be a blend of other herbs such as rose hips, hibiscus, and raspberry flavour. 

Our fertility tea blend is a must have if you are trying to conceive or if you are in your third trimester of pregnancy. But remember, like everything else in life, the results of a product are intrinsic to the person using it. So please be sure to consult your doctor prior to using any herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, breast feeding or about to deliver.

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