How much Raspberry Leaf Tea can be Consumed? - Herbal Hermit
Fertility and Pregnancy Blog

How much Raspberry Leaf Tea can be Consumed?

Any pregnant woman would have heard about the benefits of red raspberry leaf tea. And of course, it's other benefits as a herbal tea in itself. The question to ask now is, are those stories true? Does raspberry really help in inducing labor, lactation, and even weight loss? And if so, how much of it can be consumed? Especially during pregnancy when the mother is in a highly vulnerable state with the child. This article will answer those questions.

Raspberry leaf tea, as the name suggests, comes from the leaves of the red raspberry plant. This is a herbal tea that has been recommended for centuries to help with uterine, respiratory, and digestive health, specifically during pregnancy and childbearing. It is also used to support the prostate as well as various stomach ailments in children. It is also important to note that raspberry leaf tea tastes like black tea and doesn't have a fruity note, as the name suggests. But that makes no difference on what the tea can do for you.

Raspberry leaf tea for labor

[Image Source:]

How does raspberry leaf tea work?

Here are a few vital health benefits of drinking raspberry leaves tea.

  1. Raspberry tea leaf has numerous health benefits because it is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. They have Vitamin B, C, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. But they are best known for their antioxidant properties. 
  2. Research shows that it helps women with problems that come with PMS like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and cramping.
  3. Studies from about 600 pregnant women showed that 52% of the women regularly used some sort of herbal remedy, and 63% had tried red raspberry leaf tea.

How organic raspberry loose tea helps in pregnancy?

Various studies have proven that drinking red raspberry can help in inducing labor faster and also in reducing birth complications and interventions. One study even showed that women that drank raspberry leaf tea regularly had fewer chances of being overdue or even giving premature birth. They would also be less likely to have an artificial rupture of their membranes or require a cesarean section, vacuum birth, or forceps. This tea also has other additional benefits with pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum.

Here are a few benefits of this tea:

  • It can help in reducing morning sickness.
  • Can improve the overall effectiveness of contractions.
  • Could be especially beneficial to VBAC moms.
  • It helps in strengthening the uterus, making it less likely to rupture and more likely to help birth the baby.
  • Can improve the amniotic sac's strength.
  • Can reduce labor pain and pain post-birth. This is because of how the tea tones the muscles during labor and delivery, making it shorter and less painful.
  • It can help in balancing postpartum hormones.
  • It helps in increasing mineral count that can assist in lactation.

Additionally, there are many anecdotes of women having experienced the benefits of this tea through the centuries and even today. Some women even spoke of how they were able to deliver their child with no pain because of their regular consumption of raspberry leaf tea.

However, like every other herbal tea, raspberry leaf tea should also be consumed in moderation. And since it has to do with something as sensitive as childbirth, it's recommended that you speak to your doctor before trying it, especially as it can sometimes interfere with other medications you may be taking.

The possible known side effects of the tea, if taken correctly and in moderation, are loose stools, nausea, and Braxton Hicks contractions.

You should avoid drinking raspberry leaf tea if:

  • Your previous labor was for three hours or even less from start to finish.
  • You're planning to have a cesarean for a medical reason.
  • You have had a cesarean birth before.
  • You have gone through premature labor in the past.
  • You had any vaginal bleeding in the second part of your pregnancy.
  • There is a history of ovarian or breast cancer, fibroids, or endometriosis.
  • You have health complications during your pregnancy, like high blood pressure.
  • You're expecting to have twins.

When to start Red Raspberry leaf tea?

The first answer to this question is that you should consult your healthcare professional before beginning raspberry tea. That said, many professionals recommend that you begin around the 2nd trimester. This is because raspberry tea is a uterine tonic, and this tea can stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. However, this could possibly increase uterine contractions and threaten early labor, but there are no studies to back this up. Since there is a potential threat, it is best to speak to healthcare professionals.

When to start Red Raspberry leaf tea?

[Image Source:]

Some other mothers prefer waiting till the 34th week to start. Also, note that while some midwives say that you can begin as early as possible, others say that it shouldn't be taken before the 32nd week, so there's enough time to buildup your body. If there are strong Braxton Hicks contractions on drinking the tea, it is best to reduce the intake or stop altogether.

You can start with one cup of this tea a day and move up to about three cups a day eventually. If you dislike the taste, you could also opt for raspberry leaf capsules.

Raspberry tea for Labour

Since raspberry leaf tea can take a few weeks to build up in your body, it is advised that you never drink a lot of it at one shot to bring on labor if you happen to be overdue. This can cause severely intense contractions and even cause distress to your child.

When it comes to early labor while at home, you could sip hot tea or even suck ice cubes from tea. You could also take a flask of tea while going to the hospital or the birth center of your choice. But don't take this tea if labor is being induced or you're on treatment with hormone drip.

Raspberry tea for Labour
[Image Source:]

There are a few other teas that you can try, along with raspberry leaf tea, to help with pregnancy.


Sl. No.




Chamomile Tea

Improved sleep and fewer symptoms of depression.


Peppermint Tea

Helps with digestive discomforts like nausea, indigestion, and cramping.


Ginger tea

It can help relieve dysmenorrhea


Hibiscus tea

It can help in reducing high blood pressure.

Final Thoughts

Raspberry tea is, therefore, an excellent tea, and it has various benefits. It is rich in Vitamins and can help boost your immune system. It is especially recommended for pregnant women, and in this case, then when and how much to take depends on what stage of pregnancy you are at. More than that, it is essential to consult the doctor to understand how it can help individuals and how much is to be taken, along with when to stop if there are any possible side effects. 

Raspberry leaf tea is recommended based on research and study and makes it useful even for those who are not pregnant due to the natural benefits it offers.

Raspberry Leaf tea or a super food for pregnancy
How to Make Red Raspberry Leaf Tea?